Privacy & Data Protection

Privacy Policy

Herewith you will be informed about which data will be processed when visiting this website, as well as when entering and inquiring data related to this website. In addition, we provide you with information that is necessary to ensure fair and transparent processing of personal data.

1. Responsible person

Philippe Castejon
Mauenheimerstraße 48
50733 Köln

2. Data processing and data storage

When visiting this website, no direct personal data is collected, processed or stored by the operator. (see point 4)

By storing your IP-address in the logfiles of the provider (see point 5) personal data can be determined. This is possible only on the basis of a corresponding court order.

3. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and assigned to a specific Domain. The contents of these text files are sent from the own device to the corresponding server each time the assigned domain (possibly also one of its subdomains) is called.

3.1. session cookies

This website only uses technically necessary cookies that are required for the secure operation of the website and its functions. This includes registration, registration (login) or use of the shopping cart. It is possible to disable these cookies in the browser. In this case, however, it can no longer be guaranteed that our website will function correctly. The use of technically necessary cookies is a legitimate interest of the operator (according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) and does not require individual consent from the visitor to the website.

3.2. Third party cookies

When you visit the public area of this website, no cookies are initially set by third-party providers. As part of the purchase process, a connection to our payment service provider Stripe is established in the last step. Stripe sets technically necessary cookies to ensure payment is processed securely. The setting of these cookies is a legitimate interest of the operator and the payment service provider Stripe (according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) and does not require individual consent by the visitor of the website.

On pages within this website that provide content from external data sources, a cookie (name:eu-cookie, value:1) is set by clicking a "Confirm" button. (see point 4) If your browser is configured so that it also allows third-party cookies, additional cookies may be set after you have agreed to the setting of this cookie.

3.3. Web tracking cookies

This website does not use cookies to evaluate user behavior (so-called web tracking).

4. External data sources

Some pages of this website provide media that are loaded from external data sources. The servers of these resources may be located outside Germany and the EU. As a consequence, the responsible operators are not obliged to comply with the Federal Data Protection Act of Germany (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz BDSG) or the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For technical reasons, however, it is not possible to prevent data (for example IP address, browser data) from being transferred from your device to the external data source when these resources are loaded.

The extent to which the transmitted data is used or analyzed by an external operator, or associated with other data that you have, knowingly or unknowingly, transmitted to this operator outside of this website, is beyond our knowledge and responsibility.

However, this website does not establish a data connection to an external source that is not subject to the GDPR without your explicit consent, or with whose operator no order processing contract has been concluded in accordance with Art. 28 Para. 3 (GDPR).

By clicking the "Confirm" button you have the opportunity to confirm that you have read and accepted this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, you agree that a cookie (see point 3) will be set to prevent further display of the warning and to view the downloaded media.

By clicking the "Confirm" button, you further expressly agree to the transmission of your IP address, as well as other data, e.g. Information about your browser or your device, to all external sources integrated into this website.

5. Analysis, Tracking and Logfiles

No web analytics services are used. The website operator does not store any personal data in log files. The commissioned hosting provider stores IP addresses for 7 days. Conclusions on personal data are therefore possible in principle, but not without a court order. For more information, see

6. Order data processing (see GDPR Art. 28 Para. 3)

An order processing contract was concluded with the hosting provider and the payment service provider Stripe in accordance with Art. 28 Para. 3 (DSGVO).

7. Links

If necessary, you will find links to websites of other providers on this website. As soon as you leave this internet presence via such a link, this data protection declaration loses its validity. We have no influence if these providers comply with the legal data protection regulations.

8. Payment service provider Stripe

We offer the option of processing the payment transaction via the payment service provider Stripe, ℅ Legal Process, 510, Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94103 (Stripe). This corresponds to our legitimate interest in offering an efficient and secure payment method (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR). In this context, we pass on the following data to Stripe insofar as this is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR).

Name of Cardholder
E-mail address
customer number
Order number
Bank details
credit card details
Validity period of the credit card
Credit Card Verification Number (CVC)
Date and time of the transaction
transaction total
Vendor name

The processing of the data specified under this section is not required by law or contract. Without the transmission of your personal data, we cannot make a payment via Stripe. You have the option of choosing a different payment method.

Stripe takes on a dual role as controller and processor in data processing activities. As the controller, Stripe uses your transmitted data to fulfill regulatory obligations. This corresponds to Stripe's legitimate interest (according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) and serves to execute the contract (according to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR). We have no influence on this process.

Stripe acts as a processor in order to be able to complete transactions within the payment networks. As part of the order processing relationship, Stripe acts exclusively according to our instructions and has been contractually obliged to comply with the data protection regulations within the meaning of Art. 28 DSGVO.

Stripe has implemented compliance measures for international data transfers. These apply to all worldwide activities in which Stripe processes personal data of natural persons in the EU. These measures are based on the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs).

You can find more information on how to object to and remove Stripe from:

Your data will be stored by us until the payment has been processed. This includes the time it takes to process refunds, claims management and fraud prevention.

Legal Notice

Address: Stripe Payments Europe Limited 1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, D02 H210, Ireland Attention: Stripe Legal

Last update:
Questions about this privacy policy, we answer willingly and quickly by email.